Friday, November 04, 2005

Hello...Anyone There???

We the hostesses have sent some of you emails... We need replies... 1 week is too long to wait. Would you like it if we weren't able to get back to you, when you asked a question, for over a week? My guess is you'd be MAD. I am not trying to be mean, nasty or anything else. I am trying to get the persons that we have emailed to reply back to us. We need answers: Good, Bad or Indifferent.

Edited to bold and italic the parts of the post that were misunderstood. 11/5


Anonymous said...

Wow...THAT was a nasty post.

and no, I am not one that you emailed

Anonymous said...

That's very interesting, because after e-mailing my own hostess I haven't heard from her in a good week or two. Or my spoiler, in a month. Or, until her most recent message, my spoilee, who also went a month or so with zero communication. I'm an understanding kind of person, but only to the point that people let me know what I'm supposed to be understanding :P

Conversation with self: "Should I e-mail my hostess? Well, she hasn't acknowledged the issue I e-mailed her about two weeks ago... so should I e-mail all seven of the other hostesses? Would that be rude? Or would the lack of contact from ANY of the other three people directly involved with me override whatever level of rudeness that might bring? Hmmm..."

Christine said...

Anonymous - Please remember that if your pal hadn't had any contact with you and your hostess was trying to find out what was going on.. and not getting an answer, you'd be upset.

I am sorry your hostess hasn't gotten back to you...did you send the email to ? If you did or didn't please resend to that email and I will make sure whoever your hostess is gets back to you.

Kit said...

Meep? It sounded like this was a general "to everyone!" email. If it was, I haven't gotten anything. If it wasn't, okay. I'm here. Lemme know if you need anything. :)

dragon knitter said...

if y'all emailed me, i didn't get it. i even checked my spam. you can leave a comment on my blog if you like.

Dropstitchknitter said...

Haven't received any emails from hostesses, my spoiler or spoilee - is this a blanket announcement, or did you mean this for a few individuals? I can see how this can lead to a misunderstanding.

Mel said...

Is there going to be a deadline for replying? (I'm okay -- while my spoilee doesn't post on her blog, I do know she's getting her packages, and my spoiler is excellent) IMO, the people that signed up but haven't actually done anything, and don't reply to your messages by X date need to be cut so they don't keep getting goodies without reciprocating and THEIR spoilees switched around.

Anonymous said...

What I have picked up from this is that gmail is not suitable for this kind of bulk e-mailing. I know my hostess had a heck of a job getting her e-mails through to me but did get there in the end. I came across one lady's blog which didn't even mention SP, never mind gave the questionnaire - my question to her is why bother!

melissaamy said...

I have not had any problems with gmail at all.....

any news on those of us whose spoilers are MIA?
I have spoken to Sarah about mine, but any luck if she ever got in contact with you?

I am having a grand ole time spoiling mine! I am taking my disappointing feelings and turning them around into making my spoilee have the best SP ever! Ha, take that those who drop out on us! LOL

Anonymous said...

I'll admit to being a little worried early on, since I couldn't reach my spoilee. I was hesitant to sent out oodles of stuff to someone who might not be doing right by her spoilee. But I can't police the whole issue. I did finally hear from her, and I know my packages are getting to her. She's never put the questionnaire up on her blog, and has never posted about SP6 -- about signing up, about the stuff I've sent, or about putting packages together. I can only hope that she's doing her part but is just a crap blogger.

But Melissa Amy -- I agree! Why bother? Unless your goal is to get free stuff and you don't give a rat's ass about how the other person feels? I know there are extenuating circumstances occasionally - you sign up for these swaps weeks in advance and things change - but then you need to back out quickly, yes? I will be PISSED if I learn that my spoilee has been collecting my packages and not doing her part.

For those of you that are having fun (like me) and are bothered by this kind of behavior, consider signing up to be an angel. It's not our responsibility, but I'm happy to do it this time, because I usually have such bad luck. My spoiler is wonderful! Yes, I ended up holding back some things from my spoilee just for this purpose. I'm more than meeting the minimum, but since I can't be sure my spoilee is attempting to be a good spoiler in kind, then I'm ready to be a good angel.

melissaamy said...

I originally thought I was an angle, as I signed up for one because I thought it was filled, but then ended up being in the whole thing!
Ahh well, I am an angle and would be more then willing to still be one to someone else who also has been abandoned!
Just let me know if you need one, I will hook mine up again channeling my own abandoned disgruntled self into a gifting queen!

melissaamy said...

angle ~ angel
my dyslexia can play havoc with words sometimes!

Unknown said...

It's possible your emails are going into the spam or bulk folders of the people you are trying to reach. If so, they don't know you're trying to contact them. And that means they don't know you're talking about/to them. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

hmmm hope it isn't me----trust me though---I'm a very good sec pal.;) she'd even like to know WHO I am but- too bad--------no clues.
seriously haven't rec'd any e-s so assuming I'm not one----- but if I am--- keep tryin cause I've got nothin- and don't WANT to be a bad SP! ;)

btw- this has been all around fun for me!I feel lucky!

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard from my spoiler for over a month now... one gift certificate at the beginning of the event (end of the first month actually), and then one other email after that. I'm wondering if she's forgotten about me!

I deleted that email so I have no way of contacting her, and I'm not sure if I should apply for an Angel or not. I mentioned her on my journal twice now to see if she's out there, and have left one SP6 specific message asking for contact, of course politely, today.

Here's hoping!